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Fishing Charters With Captain "Skeet" Warren
Bushwacker Sport Fishing Fishing Charters With Captain "Skeet" Warren
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Meet Captain ‘Skeet’ Warren, who captained sport fishing boats all over the world, before deciding to buy his own boat and settle down in Costa Rica. The year-round warm climate, calm seas, and abundance of fish, combined with Costa Rica’s stable economy and friendly, welcoming people, made it an easy choice. For anglers and adventurers, the general atmosphere of resource conservation and the safety of the country enhance its appeal as a destination. Offshore or inshore, you can’t go wrong. Costa Rica’s waters offer something for everyone, and he will put you on the fish with uncanny instincts, breadth of knowledge and experience, and an unwavering persistence that ensures a great day on the water. You’ll find no shortage of choices for fishing in Costa Rica. Many operators put up a shingle to make a living, but a majority are doing just that, and often, like so many things, you don’t get what you paid for. Not so here. You won’t get false advertisement, sub-par tackle, or inadequate safety equipment, and you will fish on the actual boat you see in the photos. A perfectionist, Capt. Skeet keeps the Bushwacker in immaculate condition, maintained to US standards, and places top priority on safety and quality while running a tight ship with his seasoned crew. As Captain, his steady demeanor and professionalism may initially obscure his sense of humor, but fun is an important part of a charter experience, and there’ll be no shortage of that!